Poole-Cherbourg Twinning Association - 45 years
Formed in 1977 ‘jumelage’ between the two towns gradually built within the Dorset Twinning Association which employed Tony Watts to co-ordinate and develop publicity, information and events.
The Twinning Charter 1977
The aim of the PCTA is stated as:
“……to promote and foster friendship and understanding between the people of Poole and those of the Town of Cherbourg in France”
The organisation has enjoyed a high level of support
Awaiting Info
1980’s — Early Days
The Jumelage Visit to Poole September 1982
The programme of three days of sharing
1990’s — Beaucoup de Jumelage
The Barfleur Bell 1992
Dedicated to…………
1995 Royal Mail Twin Town Awards
A major document was produced outlining the activity of the association 1977-95. Poole won the 'Best Borough/District/County Award.
New Flexibility
By 1995 it was recognised that flexibility is needed to:
reflect the needs of people in Poole and Cherbourg
find new ways to heighten the awareness of twinning amongst those who study, work and live in the two towns
In September 1995 the PCTA was part of a scheme to introduce a 'French Market' along the Quay. The Management Committee developed the following su groups to promote specific twinning between organisations:
Culture and the ArtsSport
Youth Exchange
The roundabout opposite the old Lifeboat Station was dedicated to Twinning and named the Cherbourg Roundabout, The Quay/Ballard Road
2000’s —
Civic Events
Inter-generational Exchanges
During the 2000's the PCTA supported a series of inter-generational exchanges to mark the anniversaries of ‘Operation Market Garden’ and the ‘D-Day Landings', with young people and WW2 veterans through the Poole Youth Service's Participation project.
Youth Exchanges
During the 2000's the PCTA supported a series of youth exchanges with colleagues in Cherbourg through the Poole Youth Service's Participation project.
PCTA Development
2010’s — Continuity in changing times
Civic Events - 40 years!
Training Exchanges
2015 No Borders More Ideas Normandy, France
2017 No Borders More Skills Normandy, France
2019 No Borders More Perspectives Normandy, France
Youth Exchanges
2011 YOUROPE, Cherbourg-Octeville, France (hosted by Maison Pour Tous, Cherbourg-Octeville)
2013 MOVEYA! Erfurt, Germany (with Maison Pour Tous, Cherbourg-Octeville)
2014 Shipping Health Hungary (with CLT, Tourlaville)
2014 Manic Mondays exchange, Cherbourg-Octeville, France (with Maison Pour Tous, Cherbourg-Octeville)
2015 Street Culture France, Tourlaville, France (with CLT, Tourlaville)
Funded by the Erasmus and Erasmus Plus schemes within the EU.
PCTA Development
Reciprocal visits took place in June and September 2017 (in Poole and in Cherbourg) meeting to plan and share for the future.
Centenary of the end of WWI - 1918-2018
Civic event at Le Marie, Cherbourg to mark centenary of the end of WWI, 2018, with Cherbourg's other twinned towns Bremerhaven, Germany and Senegal.
40 years! 1977-2017
Civic event at Le Marie, Cherbourg to mark 40 years of twinning and Jumelage, Cllr Les Burden withe the Mayor and civic representatives from the department of international affairs.
2020’s — New Members and COVID!
Civic Events
Chair of the PCTA Councillor Mohan Iyengar and member Colin Phillimore went on a day trip and were hosted by the Mayor. They left on the Barfleur 2 hours before President Macron announced a national lockdown!! PCTA broadcast its 2021 AGM via Zoom.
Training Exchanges
2021 EX-TRA Normandy, France
COVID-19 Lockdown
Members celebrated the re-start of the Brittany Ferry service between Poole and Cherbourg by travelling on the first crossing the Barfleur made after Lockdown.
BCP Council - an Outside Organisation (Poole Charter Trust)
PCTA is now an outside organisation receiving a small grant from the Poole Charter Trust. It develops its own membership, social events and organisational infrastructure.